What Are Intense Workouts?

A good abs workout routine has a lot of components but two of them are the specific exercises that you choose. You need to follow a full body training program that helps you to burn fat, gain lean muscle and keep your metabolism at its optimal level.

The exercises are divided into phases which are;

A Six Pack is not made of abs alone.

When building the abs your body needs to experience a good balance between aerobic and anaerobic conditions. To be able to build your six pack you need to work both conditions effectively in your workout. This is what we call a fat burning workout.

You will also need to get rid of excess fat which is why you need to mix your workout routine for a more effective outcome. A diet plan is also a must which helps you to do so. A good diet plan will let you to get leaner and faster and keep the proper caloric intake.

What to look for in a good six pack workout

* High intensity workout (aka HIIT) – Short, powerful bursts of movements with minimal rest are the best workouts that get you to the limit and keep you there. Always have high intensity exercises mixed with slow exercises, so your muscles burn fat during the workout and to build your abs you need to train your muscles and leave them alone during the other phases. You can do this with slow cardio exercises as well. This will help your metabolism to stay high throughout the whole program.

The best exercises for six pack building are those that use several muscle groups in quick succession and work multiple muscle groups at the same time. They are barbell exercises such as bench presses, squats and dead lifts and olympic lifts like the snatch and clean and jerk.

* High number of repetitions – The best workouts are those which train over 50 % of the muscles in your body and give more muscle groups a chance to work. This will increase the chance for you to build a good muscle mass. There are so many ways to train for six pack building, but the one which will get you to this point will be the one which give your muscles enough opportunity.

The best way is to train with an intensity which you are comfortable with, but always remember to train with a weight which will give your muscles enough of a chance to grow. So always train with weights that allow you to do at least 20 reps. If you are not comfortable doing more reps you should not do this workout. There are three workouts that train the muscle groups in a circuit and give you plenty of opportunity to grow.

Workout 1

* Barbell Squat

* Barbell Dead Lift

* Lunge

* Barbell Press

* Dumbbell Row

* Lat Pulldown

The intensity in this workout is very high, but this way allows you to work all of your muscle groups and your core. You are able to work your lower back and your abs at the same time. It is a very good workout, the only problem is that it can be quite boring. So you will need to do these workouts in the late morning or late evening.

Workout 2

* Barbell Row

* Barbell Curl

* Dumbbell Deadlift

* Lat Pulldown

* Clean and Press

You are able to work all of your muscle groups in this workout. It is a very powerful workout, but not as good as the first workout. The reason is that the first workout is very intense and the second one is a little less intense.

Workout 3

* Barbell Squat

* Dumbbell Deadlift

* Dumbbell Row

* Step-up

* Barbell Curl

* Barbell Press

* Romanian Deadlift

These workouts are more intermediate, you will notice that they are more challenging but still doable. You will notice that the exercises don’t go as fast as the intensity ones. Also the intensity workouts are more endurance based and don’t really challenge your muscles that much. Try doing the whole intensity workout in the late morning or late evening.

When starting your intensity workouts remember to try and challenge yourself, you can do this by changing the intensity of the exercise or by doing only one exercise at a time. Another way is by doing the workout in a fasted state, this means that you will work out less but will have more energy for the rest of your day. This is great if you have a lot to do.

A third type of workout is to have a total body workout. This means that you will be working out your legs, arms, and core. The best way to do this workout is to do the workout in a fasted state, where you will have a very low calorie intake and slowly increase your calories by 25 calories a pound until you reach your goal. If you are doing this workout in a fasted state, don’t go above your goal, but if you go over your goal you will still have some energy left. You may also want to do this workout in the morning, if you want to give your metabolism a boost.

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