You do not have to get rid of fat and see weight loss results. When you exercise, your body is repairing muscles and repairing tissues. This in turn will increase your metabolic rate and give you more energy, and a healthier you.
You do not need to do an extreme amount of exercise. The body is very good at repairing and regrowing muscles. Just 30-45 minutes of cardio each week is sufficient.
You do not need to be able to run marathons. A 10 minute bout of cardio is enough to keep your heart rate elevated and your body moving.
If you are training for a sport, then you do not need to be able to bench press your own body weight. Just a short 10 minute bout of cardio is enough to keep your heart rate elevated and your body moving.
Do not forget that you need to eat right to lose weight and get fit. You need to build muscle mass so that you have more calories to burn when you exercise. And you need to eat enough to sustain energy. It is like getting more energy because your body is being made stronger and more muscular.
One of the best ways to burn fat is to do cardio exercise. There are various kinds of cardio exercise. If you want a more intense workout, then you can combine strength training with high intensity resistance training. You can also do interval training. The intensity of high intensity resistance training, with interval training is a good option.
You can do a circuit training by doing 10 exercises in a row with 1-2 minutes of rest between each exercise. You can do free weight training or weight machines, and move from one to another. Or if you prefer body weight workouts, you can alternately move from exercise to exercise.
You can mix exercises by doing 10 pushups, then 10 squats, then 10 chest presses, then 10 leg curls, then 10 abdominal crunches, and so on.
A good mix of cardio exercises is 25 pushups, 20 squats, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 dips, 10 chest presses, 10 leg curls, 10 abs crunches.
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